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Using genetic data to advance Atlantic sturgeon conservation in the Hudson River

Tuesday, June 20, 2023 from 10:30AM - 12:00PM EST via Webinar

Presented by: Dr. David Kayzak and Dr. Shannon White of USGS Eastern Ecological Science Center

Atlantic sturgeon is one of the most iconic fishes inhabiting the Hudson River. This long-lived, anadromous species was once the target of a popular commercial fishery, but historic overharvest and habitat loss has resulted in the population’s collapse and eventual listing under the Endangered Species Act. Over the last decade, collaborative efforts between non-profit, state, and federal agencies have made significant progress in identifying threats to Atlantic sturgeon recovery in the Hudson River and improving the efficacy of conservation efforts. In this talk, we review how Atlantic sturgeon science has advanced in the last decade, with a particular emphasis on how the U.S. Geological Survey Eastern Ecological Science Center is collaborating with partners to use genetic data to inform Atlantic sturgeon recovery in the Hudson River.

Shannon and Dave work together at the U.S. Geological Survey Eastern Ecological Science Center, where they combine molecular technologies, novel field methods, and advanced statistical modeling to provide decision-relevant information for species of conservation concern. Much of their research focuses on understanding and mitigating anthropogenic threats to coldwater and anadromous fishes. Their work leverages numerous collaborations to address conservation needs at a variety of spatial scales, from isolated populations of endemic salamanders and brook trout in the highest elevations of the southern Appalachians, to migratory fishes which roam hundreds of miles along the continental shelf.

Hudson River Foundation