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State of the Estuary

Understanding the changing conditions of the Hudson River and its Estuary requires a complex set of indicators. The water quality, health of fish and wildlife, amount and location of public access and engagement of residents in stewardship activities tell us about these ecosystems and management needs.

State of the Estuary Reports

The NY-NJ Harbor & Estuary Program (HEP) describe key indicators of estuarine heath and the latest environmental trends in the 2018 State of the Estuary Report. This report is organized by HEP’s five goals: water quality, habitat and ecological health, port and maritime, public access and stewardship, and community engagement.

NEW: State of the Hudson 2020

In 2021, the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation and the NY–NJ Harbor & Estuary Program jointly produced a report outlining the environmental condition of the Hudson River north of the Verrazzano Bridge.
HEP and the Pratt Institute Spatial Analysis and Visualization Initiative have created interactive graphics to illustrate the health of the Estuary:


Environmental Monitoring Plan

Environmental monitoring is critical for tracking the health of the estuary, and the progress and effectiveness of management actions. To help coordinate these monitoring efforts, improve data analysis, and make data available, the NY-NJ Harbor and Estuary Program has produced an Environmental Monitoring Plan. There are three tools: a monitoring inventory and interactive map, a companion digital storymap, and a research and monitoring recommendations report.


HRECOS Current Water Conditions

Explore current water conditions from the Hudson River Environmental Conditions Observing System (HRECOS) at four locations below and select different parameters, including dissolved oxygen, turbidity, water temperature, and more. These sites have a Hudson River Environmental Conditions Observing System (HRECOS) device.

Hudson River Foundation