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Changes Resulting from PCB Superfund Dredging Operations

Front cover - PCB Dredging Eval

The Hudson River Foundation convened a panel of independent scientists and engineers with particular expertise in organic chemistry, biochemistry, physics, geology and environmental modeling related to PCBs and the Hudson River. The panel was asked to review the data and report on its findings related to changes that may have occurred as a result of the dredging program.

The work of the panel and its preliminary conclusions were reported to EPA as the agency was preparing its Five-Year Review of the cleanup and in its development of plans for future monitoring. The panel’s report is included here:

An Independent Evaluation of the PCB Dredging Program on the Upper Hudson and Lower Hudson River

Kevin J. Farley, Joel E. Baker, W. Frank Bohlen, W. Rockwell Geyer, Simon Litten, David K. Ralston. 2017. Hudson River Foundation, New York, NY.


Hudson River Foundation